Handling messages memory in micro-ROS

This page aims to explain how to handle messages and types memory in micro-ROS.

First of all, since the micro-ROS user is in an embedded C99 environment, it is important to be aware of what messages and ROS 2 types are being used in order to handle memory correctly.

Two approaches are presented in this tutorial: manual memory allocation, and automated approach using the micro_ros_utilities package:

Manual allocation

By watching the .msg or .srv of the types used in a micro-ROS application, you can determine the type of each member. Currently, the following types are supported:

  • Basic type
  • Array type
  • Sequence type
  • Compound type

Let’s take an example .mgs for clarification:

# MyType.msg
std_msgs/Header header
int32[] values
float64 duration
int8[10] coefficients
string name

In this example:

  • the member duration is a basic type member,.
  • the member values is a sequence type member because it has a unbounded sequence of int32, in this case.
  • the member coefficients is an array type member because it has a bounded sequence of 10 units of int8, in this case.
  • the member header is an compound type member because it refers to complex type described in the same or other ROS 2 package.
  • the member name is an string type member and should be understood as a char[] (sequence type member).

When dealing with the micro-ROS typesupport the developer needs to take into account how this message is going to be handled in the C99 API of micro-ROS. In general, the micro-ROS typesupport will create a C99 struct representation of the message:

typedef struct mypackage__msg__MyType
  std_msgs__msg__Header header;
  rosidl_runtime_c__int32__Sequence values;
  double duration;
  int8 coefficients[10];
  rosidl_runtime_c__String name;  // equal to rosidl_runtime_c__char__Sequence
} mypackage__msg__MyType;

So when in an application has a variable of this type, for example mypackage__msg__MyType mymsg;, we know that:

  • mymsg.coefficients has a C array of int8
  • mymsg.duration is a double member

but, what happens with the ...Sequence and the compound type member?

Sequence types in micro-ROS

A sequence type member is an especial type member that hosts a pointer data, a size and a capacity value. The pointer should have memory for storing up to capacity values and size member shows how many element are currently in the sequence. Usually in micro-ROS, the user is in charge of assigning memory and values to this sequence members.

In the case of MyType.msg, the values sequence member is represented in C99 as this struct:

typedef struct rosidl_runtime_c__int32__Sequence
  int32_t* data;    /* The pointer to an array of int32 */
  size_t size;      /* The number of valid items in data */
  size_t capacity;  /* The number of allocated items in data */
} rosidl_runtime_c__int32__Sequence;

So user need to handle the type like:

mypackage__msg__MyType mymsg;

// mymsg.values.data is NULL or garbage now
// mymsg.values.size is 0 or garbage now
// mymsg.values.capacity is 0 or garbage now

// Assigning dynamic memory to the sequence
mymsg.values.capacity = 100;
mymsg.values.data = (int32_t*) malloc(mymsg.values.capacity * sizeof(int32_t));
mymsg.values.size = 0;

// Assigning static memory to the sequence
static int32_t memory[100];
mymsg.values.capacity = 100;
mymsg.values.data = memory;
mymsg.values.size = 0;

// Filling some data
for(int32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++){
  mymsg.values.data = i;

Compound types in micro-ROS

When dealing with a compound type, the user should recursively inspect the types in order to determine how to handle each internal member.

For example in the MyType.msg example, the header member has the following structure:

typedef struct std_msgs__msg__Header
  builtin_interfaces__msg__Time stamp;
  rosidl_runtime_c__String frame_id;
} std_msgs__msg__Header;

Remember that rosidl_runtime_c__String is equivalent to rosidl_runtime_c__char__Sequence. And builtin_interfaces__msg__Time looks like:

typedef struct builtin_interfaces__msg__Time
  int32_t sec;
  uint32_t nanosec;
} builtin_interfaces__msg__Time;

To initialize the header member of MyType.msg:

mypackage__msg__MyType mymsg;

// Assigning dynamic memory to the frame_id char sequence
mymsg.header.frame_id.capacity = 100;
mymsg.header.frame_id.data = (char*) malloc(mymsg.values.capacity * sizeof(char));
mymsg.header.frame_id.size = 0;

// Assigning value to the frame_id char sequence
strcpy(mymsg.header.frame_id.data, "Hello World");
mymsg.header.frame_id.size = strlen(mymsg.header.frame_id.data);

// Assigning value to other members
mymsg.stamp.sec = 10;
mymsg.stamp.nanosec = 20;

Sequences of compound types

Users should take into account that sequence type member of compound type member are also valid ROS 2 type. For example, let’s modify the previous example:

# MyComplexType.msg
std_msgs/Header[] multiheaders
int32[] values
float64 duration
int8[10] coefficients
string name

In this case, the generated typesupport will be:

typedef struct mypackage__msg__MyComplexType
  std_msgs__msg__Header__Sequence multiheaders;
  rosidl_runtime_c__int32__Sequence values;
  double duration;
  int8 coefficients[10];
  rosidl_runtime_c__String name;  // equal to rosidl_runtime_c__char__Sequence
} mypackage__msg__MyComplexType;

Notice that multiheaders is a sequence type member, so it should be handled properly, but also it is a compound type member which needs to be handled recursively, initializing its own members. For example:

mypackage__msg__MyComplexType mymsg;

// Init the multiheaders sequence
mymsg.multiheaders.capacity = 10;
mymsg.multiheaders.data = (std_msgs__msg__Header*) malloc(mymsg.values.capacity * sizeof(std_msgs__msg__Header));
mymsg.multiheaders.size = 0;

// Filling some data
for(int32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++){
  mymsg.values.data = i;

  // Add memory to this sequence element frame_id
  mymsg.multiheaders.data[i].frame_id.capacity = 100;
  mymsg.multiheaders.data[i].frame_id.data = (char*) malloc(mymsg.multiheaders.data[i].frame_id.capacity * sizeof(char));
  mymsg.multiheaders.data[i].frame_id.size = 0;

  // Assigning value to the frame_id char sequence
  strcpy(mymsg.multiheaders.data[i].frame_id.data, "Hello World");
  mymsg.multiheaders.data[i].frame_id.size = strlen(mymsg.multiheaders.data[i].frame_id.data);

  // Assigning value to other members
  mymsg.multiheaders.data[i].stamp.sec = 10;
  mymsg.multiheaders.data[i].stamp.nanosec = 20;


micro-ROS utilities

Due to the inclusion of rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c, an automated memory handling for micro-ROS types is available. The tools related to this feature are available in the package micro_ros_utilities.

The documentation of the package micro_ros_utilities is available here.

This package is able to auto-assign memory to a certain message struct using default dynamic memory allocators, for example, using the previouly declated type:

mypackage__msg__MyType mymsg;

static micro_ros_utilities_memory_conf_t conf = {0};

bool success = micro_ros_utilities_create_message_memory(
  ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(mypackage, msg, MyType),

This code will init all the string and sequences recursively in MyType type. The size of this memory slots will be by default the ones in micro_ros_utilities_memory_conf_default, that is:

  • String will have 20 characters
  • ROS 2 types sequences will have a length of 5
  • Basic types sequences will have a length of 5

This defaults can be overriden using:

mypackage__msg__MyType mymsg;

static micro_ros_utilities_memory_conf_t conf = {0};

conf.max_string_capacity = 50;
conf.max_ros2_type_sequence_capacity = 5;
conf.max_basic_type_sequence_capacity = 5;

bool success = micro_ros_utilities_create_message_memory(
  ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(mypackage, msg, MyType),

To customize the length of each member of the struct, a complex rules approach can be used as in the following example:

mypackage__msg__MyComplexType mymsg;

static micro_ros_utilities_memory_conf_t conf = {0};

micro_ros_utilities_memory_rule_t rules[] = {
  {"multiheaders", 4},
  {"multiheaders.frame_id", 60},
  {"name", 10}
conf.rules = rules;
conf.n_rules = sizeof(rules) / sizeof(rules[0]);

// member named "values" of MyComplexType will have the default max_basic_type_sequence_capacity

bool success = micro_ros_utilities_create_message_memory(
  ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(mypackage, msg, MyComplexType),

Is also possible to use a user-provided buffer to allocate memory:

mypackage__msg__MyComplexType mymsg;

static micro_ros_utilities_memory_conf_t conf = {0};

static uint8_t my_buffer[1000];

bool success = micro_ros_utilities_create_static_message_memory(
  ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(mypackage, msg, MyComplexType),

The library provides utilies for calculating the size that both approaches will use with a certain configuration. Notice that this amount of memory is only the dynamic usage or the usage in the user provided buffer, sizeof(mypackage__msg__MyComplexType) is not taken into account.

mypackage__msg__MyComplexType mymsg;

static micro_ros_utilities_memory_conf_t conf = {0};

size_t dynamic_size = micro_ros_utilities_get_dynamic_size(
    ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(mypackage, msg, MyComplexType),

size_t static_size = micro_ros_utilities_get_static_size(
    ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(mypackage, msg, MyComplexType),

Finally, a destruction function is also provided for messages allocated in dynamic memory:

mypackage__msg__MyComplexType mymsg;

// Release memory previously allocated with micro_ros_utilities_create_message_memory

bool success = micro_ros_utilities_destroy_message_memory(
  ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(mypackage, msg, MyComplexType),