
ROS 2 nodes are the main participants on ROS 2 ecosystem. They will communicate between each other using publishers, subscriptions, services, etc. Further information about ROS 2 nodes can be found here


  • Create a node with default configuration:
    // Initialize micro-ROS allocator
    rcl_allocator_t allocator = rcl_get_default_allocator();
    // Initialize support object
    rclc_support_t support;
    rcl_ret_t rc = rclc_support_init(&support, argc, argv, &allocator);
    // Create node object
    rcl_node_t node;
    const char * node_name = "test_node";
    // Node namespace (Can remain empty "")
    const char * namespace = "test_namespace";
    // Init default node
    rc = rclc_node_init_default(&node, node_name, namespace, &support);
    if (rc != RCL_RET_OK) {
      ... // Handle error
      return -1;
  • Create a node with custom options:

    The configuration of the node will also be applied to its future elements (Publishers, subscribers, services, …). The node options are configured on the rclc_support_t object with a custom API:

    // Initialize micro-ROS allocator
    rcl_allocator_t allocator = rcl_get_default_allocator();
    // Initialize and modify options (Set DOMAIN ID to 10)
    rcl_init_options_t init_options = rcl_get_zero_initialized_init_options();
    rcl_init_options_init(&init_options, allocator);
    rcl_init_options_set_domain_id(&init_options, 10);
    // Initialize rclc support object with custom options
    rclc_support_t support;
    rclc_support_init_with_options(&support, 0, NULL, &init_options, &allocator);
    // Create node object
    rcl_node_t node;
    const char * node_name = "test_node";
    // Node namespace (Can remain empty "")
    const char * namespace = "test_namespace";
    // Init node with configured support object
    rclc_node_init_default(&node, node_name, namespace, &support);
    if (rc != RCL_RET_OK) {
      ... // Handle error
      return -1;

Cleaning Up

To destroy a initialized node all entities owned by the node (Publishers, subscribers, services, …) have to be destroyed before the node itself:

// Destroy created entities (Example)
rcl_publisher_fini(&publisher, &node);

// Destroy the node

This will delete the node from ROS2 graph, including any generated infrastructure on the agent (if possible) and used memory on the client.


The rclc lifecycle package provides convenience functions in C to bundle an rcl node with the ROS 2 Node Lifecycle state machine, similar to the rclcpp Lifecycle Node for C++. Further information about ROS 2 node lifecycle can be found here

An usage example is given in the rclc_examples package.


Creation of a lifecycle node as a bundle of an rcl node and the rcl lifecycle state machine. Assuming an already initialized node and executor:

// Create rcl state machine
rcl_lifecycle_state_machine_t state_machine =

// Create the lifecycle node
rclc_lifecycle_node_t my_lifecycle_node;
rcl_ret_t rc = rclc_make_node_a_lifecycle_node(

// Register lifecycle services on the allocator
rclc_lifecycle_add_get_state_service(&lifecycle_node, &executor);
rclc_lifecycle_add_get_available_states_service(&lifecycle_node, &executor);
rclc_lifecycle_add_change_state_service(&lifecycle_node, &executor);

Note: Executor needsto be equipped with 1 handle per node and per service


Optional callbacks are supported to act on lifecycle state changes. Example:

rcl_ret_t my_on_configure() {
  printf("  >>> my_lifecycle_node: on_configure() callback called.\n");
  return RCL_RET_OK;

To add them to the lifecycle node:

// Register lifecycle service callbacks
rclc_lifecycle_register_on_configure(&lifecycle_node, &my_on_configure);
rclc_lifecycle_register_on_activate(&lifecycle_node, &my_on_activate);
rclc_lifecycle_register_on_deactivate(&lifecycle_node, &my_on_deactivate);
rclc_lifecycle_register_on_cleanup(&lifecycle_node, &my_on_cleanup);


To change states of the lifecycle node:

bool publish_transition = true;
rc += rclc_lifecycle_change_state(

rc += rclc_lifecycle_change_state(

Except for error processing transitions, transitions are usually triggered from outside, e.g., by ROS 2 services.

Cleaning Up

To clean everything up, simply do

rc += rcl_lifecycle_node_fini(&my_lifecycle_node, &allocator);


Lifecycle services cannot yet be called via ros2 lifecycle client (ros2 lifecycle set /node ...). Instead use the ros2 service CLI, (Example: ros2 service call /node/change_state lifecycle_msgs/ChangeState "{transition: {id: 1, label: configure}}").